Saturday 8 January 2011

Differences Between Film Openings And Film Trailers

*The film opening generally lists important members of the cast and crew at the throughout the opening
*It also Includes the title at the start of the film during the first part of the opening
*Normally introducing the main character/characters in the film
*The film opening tends to highlight the genre
*The Opening also tends to create questions amongst the audience making them want to watch the entire film.
*Trailers only tents to give information and minor details of the film
*Trailers normally have the institution logos shown within the first 10 seconds of a trailer
*Most trailers fade to black to have some sort of effect on the audience to build some sort of atmosphere
*The title of the film will normally be the last thing shown on a trailer
* Most trailers includes different settings to create atmospheres to help piece together the storyline

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